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17 mars 2023 Evénements pro autre
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L’Institut océanographique, Fondation Albert Ier, Prince de Monaco, l’International University of Monaco, de la Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco et de l’association Monaco Impact, ont le plaisir de vous informer sur lédition 2023 du Monaco Ocean Protection Challenge


Les finalistes sélectionnés pour la Grande Finale seront invités à présenter leur projet dans la Salle de Conférences du Musée océanographique de Monaco, le 9 juin 2023, en présence de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco, de  personnalités du monde l’entreprise et de la finance et des représentants des entités partenaires du MOPC.


Découvrez le descriptif original de l'évènement : 


The Monaco Ocean Protection Challenge is an international business plan pitching competition for students and fresh graduates, showcasing new business concepts with a measurable positive environmental impact on the ocean.
Created in 2018, the Challenge is the concrete outcome of a common vision by the four organizing institutions: The necessity to raise awareness on threats to our oceans, by fostering young peoples’ entrepreneurial spirit, creativity and enthusiastic commitment to conserve our planet.


The Monaco Ocean protection Challenge aims to concretely support the successful creation and development of start-ups and organizations, able to demonstrate a positive impact on the ocean protection in a short or medium term.
Supported by educational institutions actively engaged in sustainable development and entrepreneurship, by environmental experts and associations, together with entrepreneurs and investors, the Monaco Ocean Protection Challenge contributes to the global outreach and soft power of the Principality of Monaco in Ocean protection.

Winners will see their project promoted and incubated by partner institutions. Webinars will be held to explain the requirements of the competitions and support students in building their sustainable business. Please find attached a short presentation of these challenges and here below the links to videos and LinkedIn pages for more information.


Monaco Ocean Protection Challenge




Applications are open until March 24, 2023, and Grand Finale will take place on the 9th of June 2023.


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